
Posts Tagged ‘Internet 4 Classrooms’

Internet 4 Classrooms

Internet 4 Classrooms is a free web portal designed by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles. The site includes a collection of high-quality, free Internet resources to use in classroom instruction, developing projects, and tutoring in various technologies. The site features a wealth of resources arranged by category for easy access to online resources.

Resources by Subject and Topic includes a list of teaching topics related to the current month. Examples for March 2012 include St. Patrick’s Day, Dr. Seuss’s Birthday, Spring, and Money. Other subjects and topics on the resource list include Early Childhood, Elementary Subjects, Exceptional Children/Special Needs, Middle/High School Subjects, Teacher Resources, and School Specialists. Information is available for topics such as assistive technologies, speech therapy, school counseling, sources for grants, Web 2.0, Understanding by Design, classroom organization, character education, and much more!

Technology tutorials are available for tools such as MS Office applications, Dreamweaver, Inspiration, Kidspiration, operating systems, and Web 2.0 technologies. Daily Dose of the Web features links to brain teasers, question of the day, subject-related resources, quotations, and trivia. Assessment Help provides practice tests and assessment preparation resources.

Teachers of students with special needs may be interested in the many classroom resources for exceptional children. In this section, resources include strategies for meeting the needs of gifted students, a collection of apps for children with special needs, and accessibility tutorials and features for Microsoft products. There are many more resources categorized by need such as visual impairment, hearing impairment, autism, etc.

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